I have been working for many years as a Spiritual Teacher, Shaman, Trancemedium, Healer and Life Inspirer. I am the founder of Avalon Healingcenter a course center for multidimensional healing, expansion and self-mastery.
I channel divine messages, frequency tools, inner soul journeys and cosmic light codes from higher planes of consciousness. The gathering of masters, light beings and higher spiritually developed light guides, pleiadians, arcturians call themselves "The Higher Council of Light". They speak as the voice of pure awareness, unity consciousness.
We offer transformative courses, shamanic trainings and higher spiritual teachings to help you reawaken the memories of your own true origin. In the spirit of presence and awareness, you rediscover the love for yourself and life. When your heart is open, your full potential flourishes, you gain access to the Universe's limitless flow of harmony and balance. Beauty appears and anchors you even more in the present moment.
Welcome to a healing oasis to rediscover yourself, the way into your own Sacred Heart and into the Magic of Love.
Every day is a gift of miracles and the gratitude for life and love is infinite.
All my blessings and love to you!